R U OK? - (repost from FB)
Today is R U OK? Day... also known as the day where some people share their own struggles and others let friends know they’re willing shoulders on which to cry. The problem is that people who need to reach out, often don’t. As much as we try every year, every day, every hour... there is still a fucking stigma when it comes to mental health. Whether it be cultural, religious, generational, or the awful combination of all of the above. Where you’re made to feel that your feelings are not valid because they can’t be seen. So we put our masks back on, accept that we’ll always be broken and maybe this time won’t be as bad as last time. I’ve been struggling with depression since I was a kid. There have been a couple of times in my life where it had gotten really bad, but I pulled through. I thought I was tough as nails for having “beat” depression on my own. How fucking wrong I was. Depression wasn’t beaten, merely beaten back, for now. It was lying in wait for years, creeping o...